You Can Get Paid to Pay Bills

You Can Get Paid to Pay Bills

The latest trend for many companies is to allow their customers to pay their bills by credit card. Since many credit cards pay cash back or other types of bonuses, you can actually “get paid” to pay your bills. Leverage Your Credit Card for Additional Kick-Back Now,...
Let’s Have the Talk About Beneficiaries

Let’s Have the Talk About Beneficiaries

Who are your Beneficiaries? Every time you open a retirement account or annuity or take out a life insurance policy, you’re asked to designate beneficiaries who will get the money after you die. You provide a primary beneficiary (or beneficiaries) and have the option...
Tax Refunds Are Not A Good Thing

Tax Refunds Are Not A Good Thing

Every year, I have a bet with my accountant. The bet is on whether or not I get a tax refund. If I have to pay on April 15, then I buy lunch. If I get a tax refund, he has to buy lunch. Since my accountant doesn’t like to have to buy me lunch, he wants to make sure...
2019 Contribution Limits

2019 Contribution Limits

The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) recently announced an increase in the contribution limit for 2019. Instead of the $18,500 contribution limit for employees, the limit has been increased to $19,000 for 2019. These apply to anyone who participates in 401(k), 403(b),...