The latest trend for many companies is to allow their customers to pay their bills by credit card. Since many credit cards pay cash back or other types of bonuses, you can actually “get paid” to pay your bills.
Leverage Your Credit Card for Additional Kick-Back
Now, let me state right off that this is not for everyone. If you owe money on your credit cards or if you are not sure that you can pay your statement balance every month, don’t try this. However, if you can, this might work for you.
Use a credit card that you don’t normally carry with you. One that pays a cash-back bonus on all transactions. Then sign up with your vendor (cell phone company, cable company, etc.) to pay your bill via credit card every month. Some companies will actually reduce their bill if you sign up for automatic payments (Verizon Wireless is one). Using a credit card that you don’t actually carry reduces the chance of losing that card and having to replace it, which would mean having to update all the accounts you pay automatically.
This saves time since you won’t have to take time to pay a bill every month, eliminates the possibility that you will pay a bill late, and you’ll get cash back bonus to boot.